The Emporia State University information technology infrastructure is made up of many different components, systems and services. They are often referred to as "Cloud-based" or "On-Premises". This typically refers to where they are located, but also describes how service outages, maintenance or other forces may impact them. The table below describes each category and ESU systems that typically align with that description. Please note this is for overview purposes and specific incidents may have an impact not covered by this document.
The systems and services in this list are generally hosted in the cloud by providers external to ESU's datacenter or network. In some cases there may be processes (imports, exports, data feeds, etc.) that rely on a service hosted at ESU.
The systems and services in this list are generally hosted in ESU's on-campus datacenter and rely on the campus infrastructure to remain online. Some may be cloud-hosted, but rely on services in the ESU datacenter to function.
The system and services in this list are those that could be impacted by campus or network-related outages. If and how they are affected will be unique to the circumstances and are provided here for completeness.