Emporia State University Hornet 365
  • Wooster Lake

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  • Plumb Hall

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  • Corky outside Visser

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  • MU Deck

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  • Active Assignments– view instructor’s active courses for current term

  • Assignment History– view instructor’s courses in past terms

  • Course Schedule– view all courses offered for selected term

  • Detail Class List– view instructor’s course assignments and detailed course roster

  • Registration Overrides– allows instructor to submit registration overrides for specific student(s)

  • Summary Class List– summary of course and roster

  • Add/Drop Classes– make changes to student registration

  • Advisee Grade Summary– view grades for advisee list

  • Advisee Listing– view instructor’s advisee list

  • Advisor-Look Up Classes– search all courses

  • CRN Selection– view instructor’s course within a term

  • Faculty Detail Schedule– view instructor’s schedule

  • Week at a glance- view instructor’s weekly schedule by day and time

  • Course Catalog– view all courses offered at ESU

  • Syllabus Information– view syllabus information for instructor’s course assignments


    Faculty and Advisors are now limited to view only their advisees and not the entire student population. This enhances our security to sensitive data per our security policy.

    Q – I can’t enter grades. When I click on the student’s name nothing happens.
    A – To enter grades click on “Faculty Grade Entry” in Hornet 365 under Faculty & Advising. Click on the course you want to add grades for. If you have further questions contact the Office of the Registrar.

    Q – I can’t see all the students I used to be able to view.
    A – For security reasons, Faculty & Advisors are limited to only seeing information on their Advisees.

    Q – I need to see more students than just my Advisees.
    A – For security reasons some information will no longer be shared widely across campus. Please contact the Office of the Registrar to review alternate methods of information retrieval.

    Q – What happened to the Concise Student Schedule?
    A – Concise Student Schedule is no longer available in the upgrade. Advisors and students can find a summary of the class schedule on their Student Profile. This information can also be found under Register for Classes by clicking on Schedule and Options or Schedule Details.

    Q – Do I always need to navigate back to Hornet 365 to perform a different task?
    A – No, once you navigate into Self Service Banner by selecting one of the tiles in Hornet 365, if you click on the “Emporia State University” logo at the top of the page you will be directed to your Faculty/Advising landing page. You can select additional tasks from there.

    Q – How can I get to the various forms and tools available to faculty and advisors?
    A – Hornet 365 has Faculty Tools and Advisor Tools available under Faculty & Advisor. Additionally you can also access these tools in Self Service Banner by clicking on the “Four Square” (located in the top left corner of the page, next to the Emporia State University Logo)


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