Since 1996, our mission has been to discover and redefine regional writing by publishing work with a particular interest in the Midwest region, including its connection to ethnicity, gender, and personal relationships. We are produced by the Creative Writing Program at Emporia State University, in the Donald Reichardt Center for Publishing and Literary Arts.
Flint Hills Review welcomes submissions from beginning and experienced writers of poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction. We also feature art: full-cover art, and non-cover art. Our staff reads November 1 through March 1 each year, and a new issue is published each summer. The magazine is 75-200 pages, perfect bound, for a circulation of 250-350. Acceptance pays one free copy of the issue in which the work appears. Contributors also receive a special discount on purchases of additional copies of that issue.
The issue list is in reverse chronological order and includes links to our online store for purchase. An online preview is available for Issue 15-23. The FHR staff is working toward adding more digital preview options for all the issues. Purchase links are available from Issue 19 to our current issue. If you want to preview an older issue, please contact us at