Your student account is the place for paying your tuition and fees online. Emporia State University has teamed up with TransferMate to provide a streamlined and secure payment method through your student account that also reduces bank fees and improves your payment experience. With TransferMate, students can pay tuition and fees in their local currency from nearly any country.
Get started by logging into your student account center. Watch this video for a quick demo, or download step-by-step instructions.
Flywire is available to international students and can handle payments from an international bank. Flywire accepts payments from any country and any currency. Once you initiate a payment, you will receive detailed instructions on how to transfer your funds to Emporia State, and you will be able to track your payment until we receive it. Flywire also provides 24/7 customer service in over 15 languages.
Connect with Flywire.
Emporia State University has partnered with PayMyTuition for international tuition payments. With
PayMyTuition, you can pay your tuition payments from any bank, in any country in any currency at better than bank exchange rates. PayMyTuition is fast, simple, and cost effective.
Additional Information on PayMyTuition:
How to make a payment – step-by-step PDFs: