Emporia State University Hornet 365


    April 21, 2025


Submission Forms


8:30 AM - 10:45 AM – Graduate Oral Presentations | Preston Family Room

9:15 AM - 10:45 AM – Undergraduate Oral presentations | Blue Key & Greek Rooms 

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM – 3-Minute Thesis | Kanza Room

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM – Luncheon and Award Ceremony | KSTC Ballroom

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM – Poster presentations | Webb Hall

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM – Door Prizes drawn | Webb Hall (must be present to win)

3-Minute Thesis Awards:

1st - $500

2nd - $350

3rd - $250

Faculty Judged Poster Presentation:

1st - $500

2nd - $350

3rd - $250

People's Choice Awards:

Oral Presentations:

1st place Graduate - $250

1st place Undergraduate - $250

Poster Presentations:

1st - $250

2nd - $150

3rd - $100


The poster templates are provided if you choose to develop a poster in those formats.  The 4' x 3' format is not required, although anything larger is discouraged.  Posters do NOT have to be printed on one 4x3 sheet.  These templates are only provided as an option and a resource.  If you have questions about this, please contact Bryan Jones or Gwen Spade.

If you choose to use one of the poster templates or to create your own 4 x 3 poster, it may be printed in Visser Hall, room 210. Please send an email with pdf, size, billing person/department, and due date to ucc@emporia.edu. Do NOT wait until the day before to have your poster printed.  They will be very busy then and you don't want to take a chance on not having your poster printed in time for the poster event.  So plan ahead!

Science Poster Template - this template is in PowerPoint format and is for a 4' x 3' poster in landscape format. Posters in this size and format can be sent to the University Copy Center or taken on a thumb drive to VH210.

Humanities Poster Template - this template is better suited to non-science posters.  It is also for a 4' x 3' poster in landscape format.

Poster foam boards:  Black poster foam boards will accommodate posters up to 4' x 3'.  If your poster is larger than that, you will need to supply your own poster board.  Foam boards require easels.  If you will be supplying your own poster board, you should still request an easel unless the board is free-standing.

Tri-fold display boards:  Tri-fold display boards are 4' x 3' and will set on top of a table.  These do NOT require easels.

Oral presentations:  Students have 12 minutes for presentations.  This schedule will be strictly adhered to, so please prepare your presentation to stay within that time frame.

We have room for 40 oral presentations.  If numbers warrant, oral presentations will be selected that meet the following definition of research and creativity: "Undergraduate research is an endeavor that complements and enhances the teaching and scholarship efforts of faculty. It is an active collaboration with students to examine, discover or create knowledge or creative works using methods commensurate with the practices of their discipline."

For students only:  If you choose to submit both an oral and a poster presentation, you will need to submit a separate form for each presentation.

Posters will need to be set up in Webb Hall by noon on April 21st; however, you will not need to be present until the poster session begins at 1:00 PM  The exhibit hall will be open at 9:00 AM.

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