Emporia State University Hornet 365

Traditions Keeper Program

The Traditions Keeper is a distinction that Emporia State University students can earn at the time of their graduation. The purpose of this program is to encourage ESU students to get involved in campus programs and events, strive for high academic success, show black & gold pride, and participate in civic engagement within the Emporia community. 

In order to be awarded the distinction of Traditions Keeper, students must complete at least thirty traditions at the time of graduation. Five traditions from each category must make up the thirty or more traditions completed. Traditions can only be used, counted, and submitted for credit once.

Within the Traditions Keeper Program there are four distinctions that ESU students can earn. They are as follows: 

  1. Black Distinction- Completed at least five traditions (one from each category)
  2. Gold Distinction- Completed at least twelve traditions
  3. Corky Distinction- Completed at least twenty traditions
  4. Traditions Keeper- Completed thirty or more traditions (five from each category)

Reaching each distinction will be acknowledged and awarded by receiving an enamel pin for Black, Gold, and Corky Distinction. Once a student has achieved the distinction of Traditions Keeper, they will be awarded a medallion to wear at graduation.

Step One:

To Start the process, fill out the following form and media release.

Traditions Keeper Program Form

Step Two:

To Start the process, fill out the following form and media release.

Each time you satisfy a tradition, submit this form. On the form, you'll indicate which of the four distinctions you qualifying for and then which tradition you are meeting. Finally, you'll attach a photo, document or other tradition that can be used to verify your qualification.

​Please remember to submit a new form for each piece of evidence.

Traditions Keeper Upload Form

Choose from over 65+ ESU Traditions

Black and Gold

  • Wear your Black & Gold
  • Sit in the student section and cheer on ESU Football during a home game in Welch Stadium 
  • Follow Emporia State University on social media
  • Wish in the Kellogg Circle Fountain
  • Go around or under the arch in front of King Hall
  • Donate to the Student Foundation
  • Be nominated for Homecoming Royalty
  • Learn the ESU fight song
  • Take a picture with the mascot, Corky
  • Be a part of the Turnpike Tussle
  • Sit on the “Hill” at Trusler for a Hornet Baseball Game
  • Be on Wooster Bridge at midnight
  • Eat in the Hornets’ Nest
  • Live in one of the Residential Halls
  • Visit Campus Woods
  • Wave the ESU flag at a unique location
  • Snap a picture with one of the many Corky statues around campus


  • Attend a Hornets’ Basketball or Volleyball game in White Auditorium
  • Attend a Hornets’ Soccer, Tennis or Softball game
  • Participate in a Student Homecoming Week Event
  • Go to the Homecoming Bonfire
  • Wear ESU gear outside of Kansas
  • Visit the Prophet Aquatic Research and Outreach Center (PAROC) on campus
  • Defend your College or School at Stinger Showdown
  • Table on Memorial Union’s Mainstreet for an event or campus organization
  • Snap a picture with a campus squirrel 
  • Workout at the Student Rec Center
  • Visit the Student Wellness Center 

Academic Success

  • Study in the William Allen White Library
  • Visit Visser Hall and study in the Atrium
  • Fill out your intent to graduate
  • Attend a university-sponsored career fair
  • Dress nice for a full day of class
  • Study Abroad
  • Attend a university-sponsored lecture series
  • Meet the University President
  • Get involved in university research
  • Work with your professor to become a teacher’s assistant or in-class tutor.
  • Visit the One Room Schoolhouse
  • Sit in the front row of a class
  • Join an academic club or honors society
  • Be a member of the Honors College
  • Have an internship
  • Make the Dean's List
  • Receive a letter grade of an “A” in a class


  • Work as a Graduate Teaching Assistant or Graduate Research Assistant on campus.
  • Graduate with “Honors” or “High Honors”
  • Graduate Summa Cum Laude
  • Graduate Magna or Cum Laude
  • Present your work at Research and Creativity Day
  • Study on Feltner Square or Wooster Patio on campus
  • Be recognized as a Shepherd Scholar
  • Get enrolled with your Academic Advisor
  • Attend a tutoring session with ACES
  • Join the McNair Scholars Program

Beyond the Classroom

  • Attend a Welcome Week event
  • Be an ESU student athlete
  • Be a member of a Recognized Student Organization on campus
  • Play an intramural sport
  • Observe the art galleries in King Hall
  • Visit the National Teachers Hall of Fame or Memorial for Fallen Educators
  • Explore the Richard H. Schmidt Museum of Natural History
  • Explore the Johnson Geology Museum
  • Visit the Peterson Planetarium
  • Attend an ESU Theatre production
  • Attend a ZOIKS/PANTS performance
  • Join a Fraternity or Sorority
  • Serve as an E-Team Leader
  • Visit the Kansas Business Hall of Fame in Cremer Hall
  • Get an on-campus job


  • Get published in the Quivira Journal on campus
  • Become a staff member at The Bulletin or The Sunflower
  • Visit Emporia’s David Taylor Zoo
  • Visit the William Allen White House State Historic Site (Red Rocks)
  • Attend an ESU Music concert or event 
  • Become a Diversity or International Ambassador 
  • Attend the Block Party event hosted by Emporia Main Street
  • Attend or table at Campus Activities Fair
  • Work as a Graduate Assistant on campus
  • Serve as a Senator in Associated Student Government 
  • Work or volunteer as a tutor for ACES or TRIO
  • Serve in Union Activities Council

Civic Engagement

  • Vote in the ESU Associated Student Government Elections (or run for office!)
  • Participate in a campus community service event
  • Participate in an Emporia Main Street First Friday Event
  • Visit the Emporia Veteran’s Memorial
  • Donate to Corky’s Cupboard or Corky’s Closet
  • Be named an Emporia State Changemaker
  • Attend an event with Community Hornets
  • Clean up trash around campus or within the community
  • Participate in a university-sponsored Alternative Spring Break Trip
  • Write a thank you note to a professor or faculty member
  • Vote in a primary or general election
  • Donate your blood or volunteer during a Red Cross Blood Drive on campus
  • Be a Hornet Helper or assist with move-in day


  • Participate in Higher Education Day with ASG
  • Be nominated for the Newberg Outstanding or Distinguished Senior Award
  • Register community service hours with an RSO
  • Work as a Residential Assistant (RA)
  • Receive an individual RSO Award awarded by the CSI or ASG
  • Write a thank you note to an ESU staff member or office
  • Cast your vote for Homecoming Royalty
  • Originate or sponsor a bill or resolution for an ASG meeting
  • Represent ESU at a conference or meeting with other Higher Education institutions
  • Attend a Corky Cares or Diversity training on campus
  • Be featured in The Bulletin or The Sunflower (as in have a photo or article about you!)
  • Attend an ASG Senate Meeting
  • Attend a cultural event sponsored by the Office of International Education
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