Emporia State University Hornet 365
This Week in IT

THIS WEEK IN IT features the latest new and updates from Emporia State University Information Technology. Explore what's happening in our various teams and what we're doing behind the scenes to improve your experiences with technology at ESU!


This Week in IT
By Raeden Ard May 2, 2023
This week, IT has released an updated version of the Paycheck Simulator tool. This new version features an updated, user-friendly interface and can be used to create "what if" scenarios with your paycheck. For example, you could simulate different withholding amounts, adjust retirement contributions and more. The new Paycheck Simulator is available as a tile on the Employee and Faculty pages of Hornet 365. If you have any questions, please contact the IT Help Desk.
IT Logo
By Raeden Ard February 9, 2023
Learn about the latest happenings at. Emporia State University Information Technology. In our Spring 2023 issue of IT Showcase, we share our latest staff changes, our first insights into A.I. and how we're building platforms across web, disaster recovery, network and cybersecurity to position us for the future.
IT Logo Graphic
By Brian Osbourn February 9, 2023
February ● Rollout of required employee training - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Accessibility, and Information Security ● Development of formal IT Communications Team March ● DR Test (Scheduled for March 16) April ● Banner 9 User Interface Upgrades - e.g. pay simulator rollout ● Phishing Training and Testing June ● Improved VVV User Account Management including automation, self-service and tracking features July ● First Day Complete with Campus Barnes and Noble Bookstore ● Phishing Training and Testing Timeline Currently Unknown: ● Phones to Cloud Transition (timeline depends on vendor selected for project) ● DUO Multi-Factor for Students Projects that are happening throughout 2023 ● Campus Wide OnBase Employee Document Forms Consolidation ● Facilities/IT Construction Projects - Plumb Hall LA&S Dean Suite, Cremer Cybersecurity Classrooms, TTC Deans Suite, Cremer Business Classroom Upgrades ● Implementing Windows 11 Across Campus ● Mentoring employees on Help Desk procedures ● myIT Client Portal - updates to forms, services, etc. ● Network Switch Replacement Project - this will pull some buildings offline for a day or so (alerts will go out to inform campus community which areas will be impacted and when) ● Providing IT assistance at Hornet Connections ● Transition Google-based institutional Hornet Sites to Hornet 365 ● Updates, rollouts or refreshes of sites across the ESU web presence including Hornet Central, Basic Needs, Employee Hotline, PAROC and Student Form Central.
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