Emporia State University Hornet 365

We answer the most common questions about FERPA at Emporia State.

What are education records?

An education record is any record that is directly related to a student and maintained by the university. A student has the right of access to these records.

Education records include any records in whatever medium (handwritten, email, print, magnetic tape, film, diskette, etc.) that is in the possession of any school official. This includes transcripts or other records obtained from a school in which a student was previously enrolled.

What is FERPA-protected data at ESU vs. public or directory information?

*The following are intended as examples and not an exhaustive list of data that encompasses each category. Please contact the Office of the Registrar for specific information classifications.


  • SSN
  • Date of Birth
  • Grades
  • Hours completed
  • GPA
  • Class Schedule
  • Parent's name(s) and address(es)
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Country of Citizenship


  • Name
  • E-Mail Address
  • Phone Number
  • Major
  • Attendance Date
  • Enrollment Status
  • Class
  • Degrees/Awards
  • Activities
  • Sports and Athletic info (position, weight, height)
  • Student ID photos

What are examples of FERPA-protected documents or services?

*The following are intended as examples and not an exhaustive list of data that encompasses each category. Please contact the Office of the Registrar for specific information classifications. Please note that classification as something other than an Education record does not, by default, mean that it is public. In many cases, other laws cover this data.


  • Graded papers and tests
  • Transcripts
  • Class roster
  • Student's current schedule
  • A database or spreadsheet with FERPA data stored on your computer's hard drive
  • Email with FERPA data


  • Peer graded papers
  • Online forums/chats
  • Law enforcement records
  • Medical related treatment records
  • Alumni records
  • Employment records

Can FERPA-protected records be disclosed to contractors or vendors?

Yes, institutions are allowed to disclose education records without the student's consent to contractors, volunteers, and other non-employees performing institutional services and functions.

Can former ESU students request access to their educational records?

Yes, former students have the same rights under FERPA as presently enrolled students.

Do individuals who have been denied admission or have been admitted, but not yet enrolled have FERPA protections?

No, FERPA does not cover a student until they are enrolled and become a student.

When might ESU release educational records without a student's consent?

In general, Emporia State may release education records without a student’s consent if a student’s personally identifiable information is removed or if the release of the education records meets a specific exception enumerated within FERPA, including, but not limited to, when a disclosure is made in connection with a health or safety emergency, or in response to a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, or in connection with financial aid a student has received or has applied for.


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