A staff member at ESU may interact with FERPA-protected data infrequently or on a daily basis, depending on your role. FERPA data can take the form of grades, date of birth, SSN, and more. The following guidelines will act as a starting point to provide best practices for acquiring, storing and utilizing that data at Emporia State.
FERPA protected data should not be sent via email. If you receive an email with possible protected information included, do not reply or forward it. Delete it. If you are authorized to engage in email communication that include FERPA data, you must use ESU's encrypted email service. If you have been charged with acquiring FERPA-protected information, our Secure Upload service may be viable option. Please contact IT for more information.
Other than our Secure Upload service, FERPA-protected data should not be stored anywhere outside of ESU computing systems. This includes storing data on your desktop, mobile device, USB drives, external hard drives, Google Drive, etc. You may use ESU's SharePoint and OneDrive cloud storage services, but avoid removing or copying protected data from systems such as Banner or Canvas.
Once a student enrolls at ESU, FERPA privacy rights move to the student. All student education records are considered confidential and may not be release to any third party, including parents, without written consent of the student. ESU provides services including Proxy access for grades and a similar service for online billing to allow third parties (ex. parents) permission to view select data. Faculty should check with Registration to verify if the student has provided consent.
Student groups (ex. RSO's) do not have a legitimate educational interest under FERPA and may not be given access to protected information without the student's written consent.
SUBPOENAS - Any subpoena requests for educational records should be sent to the Office of the General Counsel.
CRISIS/EMERGENCY USE - In the case of a crisis or emergency situation, ESU may release information if it is determined that the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. Contact Police & Safety, Office of the Provost, Student Wellness or Dean of Students as appropriate to the given situation.
LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION - Written permission from the student is required if a letter of recommendation will include any specific part of the student record (ex. a grade, their GPA, etc.) or any performance assessment (ex. rank in class). Personal observations do not require a signed release from the student.
If you have questions about FERPA, please contact the Office of the Registrar.